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EP.21 - A sTICKy moment - Part 2


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This sound was indeed a wonderful thing, she kept stroking me and I let the song inside me… while drifting off two things came to mind:

First and foremost… that this sound would calm my hooman and make her better,

and second… that to let out such amazing sound, it meant that the noisy thing was no longer angry.

Then… blackness.

Biscuit…. Biscuit”, somehow from the amazing sound that my hooman managed to get from the noisy thing emerged a calm and familiar voice... a voice that echoed in the darkness.

what? Who?...What is happening?”

Don’t be frightened Biscuit”

Alt="Chihuahua dog laying on a cloud and talking to God"

I was so sleepy, I tried to look around but all I could see was blackness... then... I saw a light blob, to begin it looked the size of my ball and dim, but little by little it grew both in size and intensity. This ball of light is where my hooman melodic howl came from, but also where the calm voice did. The sound was the voice, they were blended and separate at the same time. To my surprise I found that I was familiar with it, like something I heard a very long time ago, I don’t know why but by instinct I knew it was the help I needed, it could make it all better...and therefore I asked it.

Please help me, my hooman is in distress and for some reason I can’t go to her and help, please... help my hooman... please...”

There there, my amazing soul, I will take care of your human, just listen to the powerful sound your she provided for you...”

Finally I could let go, my hooman was going to be ok, and I relaxed listening to the strange howl, letting it take over me, and as it did, the voice faded slowly whilst whispering, “there... there... little Biscuit… you will be OK…”

It was a feeling as delicious as chicken broth on a cold day”

There there…”

“There… there…” The voice suddenly changed, in total contrast to the experience I just had, this voice was one I never heard before and it seemed more… ‘solid’.

“There… there… little Biscuit, you will be OK”

It came again, this voice was definitely less chicken broth… and more chicken bone... and somewhat, after experiencing the delicious tone just moments before, I concluded this one was just as sharp as a chicken bone!!!

“OH BISCUIT!!!” I now heard my hooman desperate howling.

“Don’t worry, he is waking up now”

Little by little I opened my eyes, they hurt a lot, I tried to lift my head, but that also hurt, what was happening, I was feeling so good only moments before.

Alt="poorly dog laying on the vet's table, while the vet is reassuring the worried owner"

All was blurry but my sense of smell picked up the unmistakable sent... that of a dogtor den… I am telling you, I felt a sense of panic, for some reason I was already feeling as brittle as a doggie cookie, the last thing I needed was having to deal with a stinging monster, but surprisingly… the stinging monster stepped back and let my hooman pick me up.

“It’s alright my littlun, you will be fine, thank Goodness!!!” my hooman cried with a mixture of fear and relief.

“OK” came the chicken bone voice “give him one of these 3 times a day for a week, he will recover completely, but be patient, it will take time, up to 3 or 4 weeks, Anaplasmosis is a fairly serious illness, I suggest you change your current flea & ticks treatment to this one, and to kick start his recovery I will give him this now...”

As he woofled my hooman gently put me back into my mobile bed. “Good” I thought “I got away without being stung” when suddenly...

“OUCH!!!” I yelped “… the furless crafty biped got me again!!!”

Recovery turned up to be quite a long affair, for what seemed to me an endless amount of sun ups, I didn’t have enough strength to go for my normal walkies, all I could do was to sit on the grass, as time went by I managed a few steps without feeling exhausted, and then a few more.

My hooman kept up with the medicine to make us strong again, also with the extra treats to replace all the weight we lost, but the best thing for me was sensing that my hooman was not in distress anymore, and the best medicines we shared, the ones that would really speed up our recovery were without a doubt the daily doses of cuddles, licks and love.

Alt="chiuhuahua dog sleepping happily with its owner in bed"

Till our next woofling,

Lots of licks,


Alt="happy dog panting in carrier bag"

If you would like some info about my hooman's pastel portraits or visit her shop go to:


      ... and don't forget to spread the scent and leave a nice licky like!!!

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